產業 | 培訓
2021年04月22日 11:51 Posted by XOXO    評論(0) |  收藏
TAGS: 產業    培訓    課程    
        在第五十一個世界地球日來臨之際,我們啟動了全新的 “Between Conscious Program”在線平臺:



        On the occasion of the 51st Earth Day we released the site dedicated to the "Between Conscious Program".


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        Between Conscious Program
項目是Between Research致力于時尚可持續的產物。

        Between Conscious Program is the Between Research initiative dedicated to sustainable fashion.


        The fashion industry is extremely impactful: from the production processes of materials to the waste of consumers and the failure to recover waste, passing through the polluting treatments of fabrics. Fashion alone generates 5% of global emissions: change is necessary.


        行業先鋒Between意識到需要盡快改變現狀,積極領導變革,加快時尚產業向綠色文化模式的轉變,也因此產生了創立“Between Conscious Program”的想法。

        Between憑借20多年在歐洲和亞洲國際市場上的豐富經驗和資源,讓“Between Conscious Program”在線平臺成為公司企業和行業專業人士尋找將其業務轉換為綠色可持續模式的鑰匙。

        Between is a leader in the sector, and has decided to become aware of this urgency and lead change. Thus, the idea was born to create the "Between Conscious Program". 

        With over 20 years of experience on the international market, in Europe and Asia, Between aims to welcome companies and professionals in search of the necessary tools to convert their business into an eco-sustainable key on this portal.

        第一個系列由四位來自歐洲時尚行業的頂級專家教授的五節大師課程已經上線。這僅是“Between Conscious Program”項目創建的第一個系列課程。

        5 masterclasses held by top-level professionals of the fashion industry are already online.

        This is only the first dissemination content created under the Between Conscious brand.

        Simona Segre Reinach
 編輯了許多關于全球時尚產業發展及時尚史的出版刊物及書籍。她的展覽有  “Eexhibit?。簂a moda esposta”(布魯諾·蒙達多里,2017年),出版的書籍是《Fashion in Multiple Chinas》(布魯姆斯伯里出版社,2018年)。


        Simona Segre Reinach has edited numerous publications dedicated to the world of fashion and its history on a global scale. Among her most recent contributions, "Exhibit! Fashion Exposed" (Bruno Mondadori, 2017) and "Fashion in Multiple Chinas" (Bloomsbury Publishing, 2018). Since 2011 she has been a professor of Fashion Studies at the University of Bologna.

        Francesca Romana Rinaldi 作為顧問專注于可持續時尚領域的發展,同時也接受聯合國,歐洲經委會等國際機構的咨詢,作為論壇講座,研討會,電視節目演講嘉賓對可持續時尚進行積極的傳播,并撰寫了許多相關的出版刊物。她最新的書籍是《時尚產業2030》(博科尼大學出版社,2019年)。


       Francesca Romana Rinaldi deals with sustainability in fashion as a consultant, also consulting international organizations such as UNECE, she is active in the dissemination of these issues as a speaker at forums, seminars, but also in television panels, and has edited several publications. Among these, her most recent work is "Fashion Industry 2030" (Bocconi University Press, 2019). Since 2009 she has been teaching Management in Fashion & Luxury at the Bocconi University in Milan.

        Paolo Foglia 是ICEA非食品類別認證經理,ICEA道德環境認證協會是國際間公認的最重要的紡織品可持續認證協會。

        Paolo Foglia is Non Food Certification Manager for ICEA: Institute for Ethical and Environmental Certification, accredited for some of the most important and recognized certifications for the sustainability of textile products.

        Jochen Strähle 是德國羅伊特林根大學國際時尚管理專業教授,也是《綠色時尚零售》一書的作者。

        Jochen Strähle is professor of International Fashion Management at the University of Reutlingen, Germany, and author of the book "Green Fashion Retail".

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 評論 | VOICES

on May(5月)17, 2021 at 11:36 AM | Posted by 陳蕾蕾
Farfetch第一季度的收益額實現了46%的增長。韓國零售巨頭Shinsegae表示第一季度銷售額達到19億美元,凈收入達到7880萬美元。 (查看全文)
on May(5月)14, 2021 at 11:29 AM | Posted by 陳蕾蕾
雖然季度銷售額有所增長,但是Burberry的總體銷售額仍然不達2019年同期水平,造成Burberry股價下挫近10%。Ralph Lauren宣布將Club Monaco品牌出售給私人募股企業Regent,L.P。 (查看全文)
(2021年5月13日,中國上海)在中國美容博覽會期間,青島百洋醫藥股份有限公司(以下簡稱“百洋醫藥”)宣布正式啟動全國首個功效型化妝品商業化平臺,致力于從醫學準入標準、消費體驗升級、精準營銷方案三個維度賦能功效型化妝品品牌進入市場。 (查看全文)
第26屆中國美容博覽會,于2021年5月12日—14日在上海新國際博覽中心舉行,伸美集團攜旗下春雨、柔恩萊等十余個護膚美妝品牌,參與本次行業盛會。 (查看全文)
on May(5月)12, 2021 at 11:14 AM | Posted by 陳蕾蕾
在亞洲和美國銷售額大漲的推動下,Salvatore Ferragamo今年前3個月的銷售額實現增長。意大利眼鏡制造商Safilo公布第一季度銷售額同比增長14%達到2.514億歐元。 (查看全文)
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  • LUISAVIAROMA | 歐洲電商首選,價格含關稅清關費
  • Farfetch發發奇 | 海量時尚單品
  • 24S | LVMH旗下奢侈品電商
  • MYTHERESA | 德國奢侈品電商
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  • REVOLVE | 美國潮流電商,支持支付寶,50美元免郵
  • Saks Fifth Avenue | 美國頂級百貨店Saks的購物網站
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